molybdenum rich foods: nuts and seeeds, lentins, broccoli, peppers, walnuts, avocado, banana

WHAT IS MOLYBDENUM? Molybdenum, like iron and magnesium, is a necessary mineral for the healthy functioning of the organism. When you eat plants or animals that graze on those plants, you consume this substance since it naturally occurs in the soil. Depending on the molybdenum levels in the soil where the food is grown, the […]


Vanadium food sources: legumes, nuts and seeds

WHAT IS VANADIUM? Vanadium is a trace mineral that has attracted attention for its possible influence on metabolic processes, notably in relation to blood sugar management. Its characteristics that resemble insulin and may improve insulin sensitivity have been the subject of some investigations. Investigations on its potential function in treating illnesses like diabetes have been […]